Saturday, July 21, 2007

Failure of the week - Nipplemania

This is a new 'section' which will be updated every Saturday.

See, I hate blogs, really. More accurately, I hate people blogs (blogs about people, livejournal, for example). If I wanted to read some random assholes diary, I'd phone a number in the book and ask them to reveal their personal lives to me. Of course, on the phone no one in their right mind would do such a thing, but on the internet, well, that's different.

It will feature one lucky blogger and a special examination of their postings and the following:
  • Narcissism
  • Camwhoreism
  • Ugly colors/layout
  • Number of 'friends'
  • Moronic hardcore political/religious association and rants
  • Bad poetry/Emoness/Teenage Angst
  • ...And more!
I was originally planning to call this 'fag of the week' but remembered that I have nothing against homosexuality, and to put the bottom feeders on par with with them would be insulting.

This week we'll be taking a look at 'Nipplemainia'.

It goes without saying; If you want to find bad blogs, look no further than Xanga. I didn't even have to go further than the second page of google searches to come across this little gem.

Before I get into the details of the posts, let's start with the profile:
Name: Serena
Country: United States
State: New York
Metro: South Glens Falls and Glens Falls
Birthday: 9/9/1983
Gender: Female
Okay, a 24 year old from upstate New York. Your classic yuppie, nothing strange there.
Interests: cars (muscle cars, 60's vintage, some 70's), music (hard rock, heavy metal, grind, gore, what-thefuck-ever as long as IT HAS SOME BALLS) men... real men that talk like men, and don't want to organize my fucking closet. cats, horseback riding.. naturally world domination and the end to all existence.. did I forget I like roses too? :D
Expertise: sarcasm, dry humor, the obvious, artistry, and poetry.
Occupation: Computer related
Industry: Business
Vintage cars, okay. Her taste in music is questionable at best..but, what do we have here? I see, she wants a man to treat her like dirt and slap her around a bit. I can do that, I think. But hello, what's this?! World domination AND destruction? One or the other you dumb bitch. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Note the expertise and occupations; "Artistry/Computer related". That's going to be important later..

We're going to skip over the contact information and subscriptions, and skip straight to the "Blogrings", whatever the hell those are.

 ~*~ My Creative Imagination ~*
~`ART is muh Evrthing`~
 Painting Pictures with Words
 Poets Corner
my sarcasm is better than i win
Oh yeah, we got some real gems here. Teenagers of all sorts posting quality art and poetry. Clearly she's a patron of the fine arts. But enough boring profile details, let's move on to the good stuff, the posts!

You don't have to go more than two posts down to get to the bottom of this 'mysterious artistic blog'. Before you can even finish saying 'camwhore' you're confronted with a cold hard dose of her reality:

"Artistic Nudes" Yep. Sure. Right. Let's be honest here. Before us is a sad, neglected 24 year old who does anything for the short lived attention of a horny 16 year old looking to blow a load looking at some titties or some asshole macho boyfriend. Oh, and don't forget, pictures of cats.

But, let's not be too judgmental here. Perhaps her poetry can tell us something about her 'depth'.

Written: June 2, 2007
Title: W o r s h i p
I feel alone; perhaps not alone
so much as empty and helpless
with a fear inside of me so strong
I can't stop it from coming out.

I loved you and have for so long
it gets harder each moment to
tell truth from inner sanctions;
I've built a temple for you.

I envy your resonance and pray
for my rebirth in your mercy;
Surrendering my soul to your all
while I worship you.
© ~Serena~

Nothing there either. Hang on, I think I just threw up a little...

Had enough yet? No? Well, here's her info so you can get even more of her!
Message: message me: email me
Website: visit my website
AIM: nipplemaniea
Yahoo: neoandromedaxo
I personally recommend her website. She has no less than 3 blogs and two art-website accounts linked from there.

In conclusion, a classic narcissistic camwhore, no ifs/ands/buts about it. If you read this; please - get a life, make someone in your family at least a little proud of you. Go to school, get a real job, do something other than post your naked ass on the internet. We have enough of that already.

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